I said, "Nicholas, did you know your Pop-Pop Day give you this bear?"
He said, "No."
I said, "I bet you don't remember him much. You were just little when he passed away."
He replied,"No, I remember he gave me this bear."
I then asked him,"Oh yeah, do you remember anything else about him?"
"No" then he paused and said,"Mommy, can we go see my Pop-Pop Day?"
I said, "I am sorry sweety, no Pop-Pop passed away and he is in Heaven."
Nicholas replied,"Mommy can we go to Heaven to meet my Pop-Pop Day?"
"I am sorry sweety we can't go to Heaven yet that is where we go when we get old and pass away, so you will get to meet your Pop-Pop then, but I want you to know your Pop-Pop loved you very much," said to him. It was one of the cuties conversations I think I have had with him. Made my heart break a little that he won't remember my father.