"If you take your Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. My bible is the wind and the rain."

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So with the holidays coming I can't help but think about my Dad and my Aunt Wanda. Both passed away far too young. I miss them with all my heart. I am sad about all the things the boys do that I know my dad would have just simply split a side over. It hurts to know my boys won't know him. So for all of you out there give that special person if your life a hug, a call, just let them know you love them. I am thankful for having loved ones so wonderful even for the short time I had them. I am Thankful for my family. It wasn't easy for us to get these kids here but they are here. I am thankful we finally found Shayne and can share in her life as well. I am thankful for my employment, as difficult as my job can be at times, I am happy to have it. I am thankful that I been doing so well in school and just pray I will be able to complete my goals. I am thankful for my husband who takes amazing care of his family. I am thankful for my health and the health of my family. Enjoy Thanksgiving, lots of love to all my friends and family that I won't be spending the day with.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


So life has been kind of crazy lately. I have work and school and the kids and now getting healthy too, game nights at the house, holidays coming. I been feeling a bit overwhelmed at times.  I just really need a little me time and I feel selfish even saying that. My hubby picks up a lot of slack for me with the kids and the house plus he does stuff like chop wood for our fire. Just my rant for the day....lol