"If you take your Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. My bible is the wind and the rain."

Sunday, January 28, 2007

New hobbies

So I was thinking about learning to knit. A friend of mine knits and we talked about her teaching me. I am going tonight to see what it will cost for the three needles I need and some yarn. I think she said we would start with a scarf. It should be fun. I love crafts. I paint and draw, make my own candles, and even considered starting to make my own soaps. The soap I may not do, I do not know if I want all the needed chemicals around with the baby in the house. I even do hair wraps, and make hemp necklaces, to bead work. The funny thing is as much as I love doing all these things I end up playing video games instead. I only got big into video games when my husband and I where dating. He played them and it got to a point that if I did not also we would have likely ended our relationship a long time ago. Do not get me wrong. I enjoy playing the games. I especially love the Wii, but many times I would much rather do something with my hands. It feels more rewarding to make something and be able to look at and appreciate the work you have done, or use the item, like my candles, or even give them as gifts. The funny thing is, if I spend money on a video game from time to time my husband doesn’t really say anything, but if I go to the craft store and spend much less then I would on a video game, he seems to question it, or chide me about the purchase. I guess I understand why a man would have a harder time understanding crafts. I just wish I had a bit more freedom to my hobbies. I have not told my husband about this blog yet. I guess I want to be able to write with out feeling he will judge what I am saying. We are very open with each other and we talk about pretty much everything, but I guess I feel not everything is worth discussing. Well I am working and it’s starting to get a little busy so I will wrap this up and write soon.

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