"If you take your Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. My bible is the wind and the rain."

Saturday, January 26, 2008

I love it!

Nos it's not just for your car any more it's an energy drink. I about feel over laughing when I seen this in the store. It's priceless, but for $3.00 a bottle it was worth it as a novelty...hehe

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hat revisited

So I wanted to see how it would look if I made it just as a head wrap and not a pony tail hat with the decreased top. I used only the Cashmerino this time, in a plum and pink. This yarn has totally spoiled me, I love it's soft yet extremely warm feel, it is simply awesome.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pony Tail Hat

Ok made my descsion here is what I got.

My Hat Delima

OK so I got this cute hat pattern from Kym, for the Maddison hat. So I decide I am going to make it with some of the awesome yarn I picked up in Tennessee when we were there, but I look over the patter and I decide I really don't like the rolled brim, so I am going to modify it a bit, hoping I have enough yarn to cover the changes. Well, I didn't so I said hey, I know my local yarn shop carries this brand of yarn so I send Jeremy out with the skein wrapper and tell him to go pick me up some. He gets there and is told we have this yarn, but not in that chunky weight, we only have the Aran, the Chunky is on back order. Now I understand why the yarn shop I got it at had it marked down to 40% off and only had one skein left. So now I am debating, do I use the aran and just double up on the strands to finish off the top, or do I g to a smaller gauge needle and knit the remaining rows, slowing down on the deceases... over all I am not sure which is going to look better. I guess I could check the yarn shop near Harrisburg, but man it is a haul for the little bit of the skein I need to finish off..Any words of Wisdom? The yarn by the way is Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Chunky

Monday, January 14, 2008

Haven't written in a while...

Well I haven't written in a while and wanted to sit down and get a chance to update this a little. The holidays were really good. I think we went a little crazy on the presents, but hey, he's an only child and we love him. We spent Christmas morning at the house with my brother Vince and my brother-in-law Doug. It was a nice time. Then we packed the family up and went to Grandma's house for Christmas dinner. Came home after dinner and opened the stuff he didn't get to open before we left. He opened one gift and was done, he just wanted to play with that. We then went down to Tennessee to send a week with Jer's mom and sisters. It was a nice visit, we ended u staying two weeks however because me and the baby got sick and who wants to do a 10+ hour drive with a sick baby and mommy... I know Jeremy didn't. While we were down there I got to go to a nice yarn shop called Imagiknit, and we took Jeremy to the Jack Daniels Distillery. It was a very nice tour. It's free and takes 1 hour, if you are in the area I highly recommend it, it was a lot of fun. The tour guide we had was great. Did you know the employees get a free pint each month as a perk for working there? And at any time they can have nearly 75 million gallons on site. Also it's funny the distillery is in a dry county, but they do sell bottles in the gift shop. We got Jeremy 2 differnet bottles.
(We are down on the bottom right)
Jack Daniels has a funny history in our past so it was a nice trip for us. I been knitting a little too, I made some snow boot socks for the baby. He really loved this yellow yarn in my stash, and kept pulling it out and playing with it, yellow is also one of the colors he can say when he reconizes it, so I figured I'd make him some long socks to go with his snow boots (if it ever snows) They turned out since and he really seems to like them. He wore then around the house and broke them in a little.
Over all things have been good, still missing my dad a lot but I feel a more like my old self again. I been focusing on losing some weight so Jeremy and I can start trying for another baby. We will see...