"If you take your Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. My bible is the wind and the rain."

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Hat Delima

OK so I got this cute hat pattern from Kym, for the Maddison hat. So I decide I am going to make it with some of the awesome yarn I picked up in Tennessee when we were there, but I look over the patter and I decide I really don't like the rolled brim, so I am going to modify it a bit, hoping I have enough yarn to cover the changes. Well, I didn't so I said hey, I know my local yarn shop carries this brand of yarn so I send Jeremy out with the skein wrapper and tell him to go pick me up some. He gets there and is told we have this yarn, but not in that chunky weight, we only have the Aran, the Chunky is on back order. Now I understand why the yarn shop I got it at had it marked down to 40% off and only had one skein left. So now I am debating, do I use the aran and just double up on the strands to finish off the top, or do I g to a smaller gauge needle and knit the remaining rows, slowing down on the deceases... over all I am not sure which is going to look better. I guess I could check the yarn shop near Harrisburg, but man it is a haul for the little bit of the skein I need to finish off..Any words of Wisdom? The yarn by the way is Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Chunky

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