"If you take your Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. My bible is the wind and the rain."

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Knitting like crazy

I decided to make an cute earflap hat that I seen, and started it, was going to make this pattern in a simple green yarn. (Pattern)

Well I got to knitting, only 2 days to finish it for Christmas...well here I am looking and I see, oh I not only have plenty of this green, but I have a lot of this nice red, so I decide to make stripes...So then I am thinking, why not make it an elf hat, and POOF! This is what I ended up with...hehe...

Now do I have enough time to make one small enough for John...hehe

Monday, December 22, 2008

Back to work...

Well I am finally back to work. Tonight is my first night back. I am working 5PM to 2AM. This allows us to not have to put the kids in daycare, which is nice. Not sure how long it will last, working 9 hours, and caring for the kids for 9 hours of the day only leave 6 hours of sleeping time, and that is if we do nothing else but work, kids, and sleep. Ugly part is if we do decide to put the kids back in daycare we'd also go back to working in the office, which wouldn't be horrible, but it is nice to be able to not have to drive to go to work. Plus all the extra expenses we'd have for childcare, gas, food, etc. But hey we will do what we have to do to make the kids life as best as possible. I really love having them home and I think it really is a benefit to them, but Nicholas is to the age I think he'd like the learning and being with other kids. John would only get more colds then he would at home...hehe.

Also I enrolled in my first college class in nearly 10 years. I am starting out with one class, just taking a basic English Comp 101. I figure if I can pass a writing class I should be okay for most of my other classes. It's an odd feeling to be 29, mother of 2, and be considered a student again. I am nervous about taking the class, but got to start some place, right?

I really haven't been knitting much, and I would love to be doing it, just can't find the time right now. Maybe I can start doing it during down time at work, now that I am back. Well at least when I am not updating my blog etc.

So I got to read "The Tales of Beetle the Bard" it's a book from the Harry Potter series. If you have read the books you will know the Tales are like the wizarding world's fairytales. I really enjoyed the book. I also want to read the new book by Christopher Paolini, "Brisingr". I will likely wait for it to come out in paperback. I don't have a lot of spending cash right now with the kids, work being up in the air, and school. Maybe Santa will bring it for me. I have a librarian for a mother-in-law and a book crazy brother so it is possible. Beck, my mother-in-law does tend to get me a gift certificate from a book store, and some tea, because she knows I drink it. I often get books from my brother as well but now that I have kids I get less gifts for me =P

Lets see what else has been on my mind. Well I found a new cereal I really like. hehehe... It's called Strawberry Fields by Kashi, way yummy, if you get to try it, I strongly suggest it. It's also organic which is always a bonus in my book.

Oh and if you read this blog for updates I strongly suggest if you don't already use facebook to get an account and add me there, I have been using it a lot for pictures and videos of the boys.

Will write again soon...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Can't Sleep...

Ok it's 4:23 AM and I just can't get to sleep. Maybe it was the spicy hot wings I had, or many the shock of how angry I was tonight. After eating at Hooters we decided to take Nichols to chick-fil-a for some ice cream and to let him play at the play land they have. It's cold now so he doesn't get much park time now, so it's a nice option. Well there were some older kids, maybe 6-7 years of age. They were all playing tag. Nick was pretty much on his own sliding etc. After the kids got bored or tag I heard Nicholas firmly explain "Stop hitting me!" and I looked up and sure enough one of the older children was in there hitting him. I said nothing, but he seen that I saw what he did, so they moved on, he then proceed to block the path to the slide, and I heard Nicholas say "Excuse me, Nick wants to slide". The Next thing I see is this little jerk kick Nicholas right in the chest, he goes flying back and starts to cry of course. So I stood up and said "Don't you hit my son again, and I seen him take off in the play set. I went up and found him, Nicholas was following him. I'm not sure if to hit him back or to play with him more. I told the boy to come down I wanted him to show me his mother. The mom was cool, and her other son told me he does this a lot and said he was sorry. I don't think I have ever been so angry at a child in my life. He was twice Nicholas' size and well old enough to know what he did was out of line. Nick was fine and was over it quickly, and I was proud of him for handling himself so well in the situation.

Then again he always does surprise me. We stopped into a store earlier and he spotted a shirt and said "Mommy it's yo gabba-gabba" It's a kids show I guess he watches some times. Jeremy and I have never put it on for him, but he knew all the characters names. He had Jeremy and I amazed. So we picked him up a shirt as a Christmas present. I guess we really shouldn't be that surprised. When I took John in for his 1 month check up, I had taken Nick with me to give Jeremy a little break. The pediatrician told me Nick is basically a functional 4 year old from just the little she seen of him while he played waiting for us to be done. He won't even be 3 until February. It was nice to hear he is doing well, at least in the doctor's eyes.

Well maybe getting this all out in text will help me calm down and sleep. I was at least happy the mom took care of it and didn't let the kid go back to playing, nor did she make her other 2 children that were very well behaved stop. She even had him come over and apologize a 2nd time after he stopped crying, which wasn't needed, but nice. She explained to him again what he did wrong and then sat him back down. She did seen frustrated in the sense that he does do this a lot and she isn't sure how to stop it. I kind of felt for her, but it was also hard since I was pretty well enraged at the child when I seen what he did.

Ok going to stop thinking about it now and hopefully get to sleep before the sun comes up.

We did get to take Nicholas to see Thomas again. I got a cute video I plan to put up. Actually putting it up in youtube now. Let me get the link. Oh I found another one from the car ride to see Thomas, Nick was rocking out to Christmas music, he kills me some times.

Nicholas See's Thomas
Nicholas Rocking to Christmas Tunes
Nicholas and his John Cena impression

Ok I feel a bit better, hope I can fall asleep now... hehe

Monday, December 1, 2008

Over due Update

I got a quick second while Nick watches some TV and John is taking a short nap so I wanted to update some if I can. The recovery time is going good. I feel good and I am feeling more and more normal as the days go on. I have even had enough energy to cook a few real dinners now, rather then just nuke something or defrost something, or have Jeremy cook. Jeremy's been taking the baby on weekends for me so I can catch some sleep. John has been going though a growth spurt and not sleeping much in place of eating all day and night long. Nick is really loving being a big brother. If he hears the baby cry he comes running to see if he can help in any way. He even likes to try and give the baby his pacifier or bottle. Jeremy had to work on Thanksgiving so I took the boys to his grandmother's for dinner. It was a bit insane having both of them by myself, but it went fine. I should be back to work my Christmas, which I am kind of bummed about. I guess it's just part of the mommy hormones. I have a hard time with the idea of spending less time with the boys. I had the same anxiety when I went back to work with Nick. I guess it's been a little hard this time too because work is changing a lot too. I will likely not be going back to my old job, they want me to "advance" my position. So I need to find a new job in the company. Same thing with Jeremy. The hard part about this is scheduling. We'd both like to continue to work from home, but to do this with any of the other jobs they are offering we need to consider schedules a lot more greatly then in our current positions. Doing phone work also means we need to install a new phone jack in the office, get a phone from work to work at home, and make sure our schedules don't over lap at all since I couldn't be on the phones if he had the kids etc. So I guess it's just a lot to worry about before I am even back to work. I am trying to think about it as little as possible for now, because it just stresses me out and I end up crying with the hormones right now. I know things will work out for the best, I just am too emotional right now to feel alright about the whole situation, plus I really like the job I do now, and my boss. Who wants to change things when they are good, right? Well Nick is hungry and I need to make a call or two. Will update when I can.