I got a quick second while Nick watches some TV and John is taking a short nap so I wanted to update some if I can. The recovery time is going good. I feel good and I am feeling more and more normal as the days go on. I have even had enough energy to cook a few real dinners now, rather then just nuke something or defrost something, or have Jeremy cook. Jeremy's been taking the baby on weekends for me so I can catch some sleep. John has been going though a growth spurt and not sleeping much in place of eating all day and night long. Nick is really loving being a big brother. If he hears the baby cry he comes running to see if he can help in any way. He even likes to try and give the baby his pacifier or bottle. Jeremy had to work on Thanksgiving so I took the boys to his grandmother's for dinner. It was a bit insane having both of them by myself, but it went fine. I should be back to work my Christmas, which I am kind of bummed about. I guess it's just part of the mommy hormones. I have a hard time with the idea of spending less time with the boys. I had the same anxiety when I went back to work with Nick. I guess it's been a little hard this time too because work is changing a lot too. I will likely not be going back to my old job, they want me to "advance" my position. So I need to find a new job in the company. Same thing with Jeremy. The hard part about this is scheduling. We'd both like to continue to work from home, but to do this with any of the other jobs they are offering we need to consider schedules a lot more greatly then in our current positions. Doing phone work also means we need to install a new phone jack in the office, get a phone from work to work at home, and make sure our schedules don't over lap at all since I couldn't be on the phones if he had the kids etc. So I guess it's just a lot to worry about before I am even back to work. I am trying to think about it as little as possible for now, because it just stresses me out and I end up crying with the hormones right now. I know things will work out for the best, I just am too emotional right now to feel alright about the whole situation, plus I really like the job I do now, and my boss. Who wants to change things when they are good, right? Well Nick is hungry and I need to make a call or two. Will update when I can.
I really wish I lived closer so I could come visit! Then again, I've spent the last month or so fighting a cold, sinus infection, and back to the cold. Your boys are adorable! I'm so happy for you guys!