"If you take your Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. My bible is the wind and the rain."

Friday, November 7, 2008

My Birth Story...

Okay for those of you that didn't get to hear about the exciting experience we had I figured I'd write about it. We had had a long day, we had gone out to dinner with my parents and food shopping for the house. When we got home we relaxed and caught up on some of our DVR stuff. Mom and Glen went to bed and Jeremy and I were finishing up a program before we headed off to bed. About 10 minutes before the show was over I felt a really strong kick, and pop, my water broke. It was about 12:50 AM Sunday Nov 2nd. I told Jeremy to hurry because I knew I would likely go fast and we had to drive to Harrisburg, normally a 40-45 minute drive. We woke my Mom, I told her I expected to have the baby in about 4-5 hours if it was anything like when I had Nick, and we left the house at 1:08 AM. Once in the car I was having contractions about every 4 minutes, each lasting about 2 minutes. Once we hit 581 My contractions speed up. Every 2 minutes lasting about minutes, so we were getting really close. We got to the hospital, Jeremy went in got a wheel chair, come out got me out, parked the car, and we headed up to the labor and delivery floor. I was feeling strong pressure in my bottom now and was getting really concerned. We got to the room, I told the nurse I was having constant contractions with bottom pressure and assured her it was going to be soon. She said "okay", asked me to get in a gown and left the room. I bent over the bed to have one contraction, then went and sat down on the toilet to try and get my pants off and the gown on. This is when I screamed because I felt the baby heading out. At this point it gets hectic, the nurses ran in and helped me walk to the bed. I was on all 4's because that was how I could get into the bed between contractions. They checked the baby to make sure there wasn't a cord around his neck and realized he was stuck at the shoulder a bit, so they asked me to turn over on my back, they helped me turn, and the doctor got the shoulder out, and told me, "Do what you need to do" I pushed once and he was out. Time 1:52 AM, Just before the clocks set back at 2:00AM. So from the time my water broke to having him in my arms was about an hour. It was insane.

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