"If you take your Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. My bible is the wind and the rain."

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

36 Weeks and feelin' the pressure...

Well I am 36 weeks today and I been having a lot of contractions. I am not feeling most of them, but the home monitor is catching them. At this point it feels like I have a bowling ball between my legs when I try to walk. The pressure is intense. I was really hoping we could make it to at least Halloween before he came, but it's seeming less and less likely. The medication maybe able to hold me off until Friday, but I strongly doubt I am making it another week unmedicated with this much pressure and contractions with it...but only time will tell I guess. If I had to guess the baby is about 6 and a half pounds now so we are in a good weight range, and if he came he is in a great age range, he may have a little breathing issues, but not likely a hard time. Will update when I can.

Friday, October 17, 2008

So far so good...

The appointment today went very well. The baby was measured and right in the 50th percentile. They were also estimated to weigh 5 pounds 15 ounces, so basically just shy of 6 pounds. He has been moving around nicely as well. Normally they would have taken me off the medication this week, however since it's been working so well for me with out really any side effects, and the insurance is still paying for it, they are giving me an extra week on it. Down side I need to still do site changes (i.e. stab myself ever few days). Up side, it's likely the medicine will keep me from going into labor at least for the week. I was given the okay to make a quick trip to the store so we can get a few baby things we need before he gets here. So things are shaping up really well.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

New Dose

Well the new dose seems to have been doing the trick. I am still contracting but much less. I will be 35 weeks along tomorrow so we are making great progress. I am to the point now however I am ready to have this baby. Even though I know he'd be early I am getting sick of the bed rest and sick of the huge belly, and I am just ready to hold my baby. The crazy part is I could potentially go another 5 weeks with out having him and that makes me insane to think about. I went 6 weeks with out medication with Nicholas before my water broke, but they also took me off the medication a lot sooner with him. They are going to get me as close to 36 weeks as they can with the medication so I am almost done with that at least. It will be nice to not have to stab myself in the leg ever 3-5 days to change the site. It be kind of neat to make it Halloween and have him them, and it be nice to make it to my due date because I would be recovering over the holidays, but I don't know if I can really wait that long. I guess it's a good thing it's not really up to me...hehe. Ok, I am done ranting now. Will update again some time soon.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

My appointment...

My Friday appointment went well. I let the doctors know I been feeling more contractions and they upped my dose a bit. It seems to really have helped. Although the nurse staff for the pump didn't have me set all the doses correct the first time around and I had to call back and ask if they meant to leave out one of my doses or if we just missed one. So now that it's fixed and I am getting the extra dose I am feeling a ton better. I did pass a little mucus ball this morning but that could be because I was contracting a little over night due to the missed dose. Now that I am back on track we'll see how things go. Baby has slowed down on movement a lot, but really I am sure it's because he is so darn big. I am getting ready to put the DVD in and upload the last two ultrasounds to youtube. He has these HUGE chubby cheeks in the one, it's too darn cute. I am starting to get nervous he is going to be like a 10 pound baby if I go to term. We do a growth check this coming Friday so we'll see how big he really is. I am guessing he is over 6 pounds now, and that is a bit of a scary idea...hehe. If nothing exciting happens between now and then I will post an update Friday after my visit.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Yay we made it to 34 weeks!

Today I am 34 weeks pregnant. This is now the longest I have ever been pregnant...lol

If the baby was born today they should have very little complication, if any related to being premature. We are very excited to have made it this far. The p17 shots and the T-pump along with the bed rest seem to really have done the trick this time.

It will be really nice to go to term and be able to take a healthy baby home from the hospital with out having to have a NICU stay. That is our hope at this point. A nice easy birth and a nice healthy baby to bring home.

The last Ultrasound we had showed the baby having very chubby cheeks so we are hoping he doesn't get too big for me...hehe. I get another growth check not this Friday, but the following Friday.

I am totally bored at this point, and still have at least another week of the pump, but we are making progress. Almost there...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

33 Weeks!

Well we made to it 33 weeks. I can't believe it really. Last night I was playing on the computer with Jeremy and all of a sudden I got a baseball sized lump show up, it was huge, and hurt. I don't remember Nicholas being this active or strong. And Nicholas was a very strong baby when he came out. My pelvis has been really sore. It feels like his head is sitting right down on the bone. I have a feeling we are going to go soon, but just hoping to hold off as long as possible. It be nice to be able to bring the baby home with out a NICU stay. I am also starting to feel a little panicked. There is a crap ton of stuff that needs done and I can't do it being stuck in bed. I haven't even packed a hospital bag yet, the babies room isn't done, we haven't washed any of the old baby close yet, or sorted even by size. Not to mention the house is getting a little behind, and we have all that freaking wood to stack. I am stating to have a bit of anxiety about all the crap I am going to have to cram into the 6 weeks of recovery time just to catch up. Jeremy can only do so much and he is working full time, and caring for himself, Nicholas and I, so there isn't much time for all the extra stuff. Hopefully some family can make it in when the baby comes, or before. That should give me a little help at least on getting some of the behind house stuff done.