"If you take your Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. My bible is the wind and the rain."

Friday, September 26, 2008

Doctors appointment...

My appointment today went well. Since we are 32 Weeks now I am starting to get non stress tests. Basically they check for contractions, listen to the baby's heart and make sure he is moving around well, and measure the fluid around baby with an ultrasound to make sure it is were it needs to be. My next goal now is to make it to 34 weeks. 34 weeks is when Nicholas was born so I would consider that a huge success.

I am however starting to feel ready to deliver in the sense that I am done with being in bed all the time. My patience with being stuck in bed is running thin, but at the same time I know it is too early for the baby to come now. I guess I am just starting to get bored finally.

On a home note, we did finally get our wood stove installed completely. We have been test burning it the last few day. It is going to be great this winter. We had to do a few burns now to burn off the smell new ones have, kind of like breaking it in.

Unfortunately not all of the hard work is done, even with the stove installed. We got a really great deal on a lot of wood, only issue is, the wood needs to be stacked in the shed before it gets to be winter, and it's a lot of wood. Here is a picture and keep in mind there is already a bunch stacked in the shed.

I am hoping I will be able to help stack once the baby comes, but if I go to term it maybe too late for me to help. Unfortunately for Jeremy this means he needs to stack it all himself. It's pretty crazy, but needs to get done, but over all I think we are both happy we won't need to rely on oil heat this year. Although we may fill the tank once before the season starts to have it as a back up if needed, but I think we would almost use electric back up before oil this year. We haven't decided if we should make the investment or not yet. I am sure we will make up our minds soon. Winter weather isn't that far away.

1 comment:

  1. I've been thinking about you alot since I saw the pictures of the Babies Walsh. You're constantly in my thoughts and prayers! I almost wish I worked in the office, just so I could swing by on lunch breaks, but instead, you just get my emails and blog comments :) Give Nicholas, and Jeremy hugs from me!
